Home & Leisure Show

The Coopers team were pleased to be a part of this years show. We were there with our spinning wheel to collect money for charity.

Our two chosen charities, The SPCA and Hospice, were delighted to have us fundraise for them over the three busy days.

For a small donation everyone at the home show was able to spin the wheel and win something. We had children eyeing up our chocolate bars attached to the wheel while their parents had their eye on the big prizes like our family passes from Skyline Skyrides or Dry cleaning vouchers from Rotorua Drycleaners as well as many more vouchers and donated prizes from the generous businesses in town that helped us.

Coopers want to thank all the businesses that made this possible and to everyone who had a spin of our wheel.

We were delighted to make $1,005.50 for The SPCA and $704.50 for Hospice.

Thank you to:

Main Com
The Law Shop
Golds Gym
Burger Fuel (Thank you for our lunch everyday!)
Rebel Sport
QE Spa
The Flight Centre
Davys Burton
Polynesian Spa
Acorn Flowers
Bric a Brac
Jean Jones
Skyline Skyrides
The Importer
Paradise Valley Springs
Reading Cinema
Krazy Krafters
Lighting Plus
Regent Conveyancing
Office Products
Grant Johnstone Nissan Suzuki
Knox Engravers
Rotorua Drycleaners
John Battersby
Garry J Automotive